Ajax search pro is the best live search engine plugin for WordPress. Highly customizable, with many features and options, giving the top results possible! Replace the WordPress search bar with a better looking, more efficient search engine. Ajax search pro has 10K users globally.
Ajax Search Pro's class-asp-query.php source code. Want to download the complete plugin in a ZIP file? Click on the download now button and download the premium plugin free.
Ajax Search Pro – A Live WordPress search and filter plugin for WordPress
<?php/* Prevent direct access */
defined('ABSPATH') or die("You can't access this file directly.");
if (!class_exists('ASP_Query')) {
* Class ASP_Query
* A similar class to WP_Query
* @uses ASP_Helpers
class ASP_Query {
* Results array
public $posts;
* The real results count
* @var int
public $found_posts = 0;
* Default query parameter values
* @var array
public static $defaults = array(
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// 1. GENERIC arguments
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
's' => '', // search query
* @param string|array search_type
* cpt -> posts, pages, custom post types
* taxonomies -> tags, categories and taxonomy terms based on taxonomy slug
* users -> users
* blogs -> multisite blog titles
* buddypress -> buddypress groups or activities
* comments -> comment results
* attachments -> file attachments
'search_type' => 'cpt',
'engine' => 'regular', // regular|index -> index only used on cpt
'posts_per_page' => 0, // posts per page, for non ajax requests only. If 0, then get_option(posts_per_page) is used
'page' => 1, // which page of results, starts from 1
'keyword_logic' => 'OR', // OR|AND|OREX|ANDEX
'secondary_logic' => '', // OR|AND|OREX|none or empty string
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// 2. POST and CUSTOM POST TYPE related arguments
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
'post_type' => array('post', 'page'), // post types to look for
'post_status' => array('publish'), // post statuses
'post_fields' => array( // post fields to search within
// (title, content, excerpt, terms, permalink)
'title', 'ids', 'excerpt', 'terms'
'post_custom_fields_all' => 0, // search all custom fields
'post_custom_fields' => array(), // ..or search within custom fields
'post_in' => array(), // string|array -> limit potential results pool to array of IDs
'post_not_in' => array(), // string|array -> explicity exclude IDs from search results
'post_not_in2' => array(), // array -> secondary exclusion for manual override
'post_tax_filter' => array( // taxonomy filter support
'taxonomy' => 'category', // taxonomy name
'include' => array(1, 2, 3, 4), // array of taxonomy term IDs to include
'exclude' => array(5, 6, 7, 8) // array of taxonomy term IDs to exclude
'post_meta_filter' => array( // meta_query support
'key' => 'age', // meta key
'value' => array( 3, 4 ), // mixed|array
// @param string|array compare
// Numeric Operators
// '<' -> less than
// '>' -> more than
// '<>' -> not equals
// '=' -> equals
// 'BETWEEN' -> between two values
// String Operators
// 'LIKE'
// 'IN'
'operator' => 'BETWEEN',
'allow_missing' => false // allow match if this custom field is unset
'post_date_filter' => array( // date_query support
'year' => 2015, // year, month, day ...
'month' => 6,
'day' => 1,
'date' => "2015-06-01", // .. or date parameter in y-m-d format
'operator' => 'include', // include|exclude
'interval' => 'before' // before|after
'post_user_filter' => array(
'include' => (1, 2, 3, 4), // include by IDs
'exclude' => (5, 6, 7, 8) // exclude by IDs
'post_primary_order' => "relevance DESC", // CAN be a custom field name
'post_secondary_order' => "post_date DESC",
'post_primary_order_metatype' => false, // false (if not meta), 'numeric', 'string'
'post_secondary_order_metatype' => false, // false (if not meta), 'numeric', 'string'
'_post_primary_order_metakey' => false, // gets parsed later, do not touch
'_post_secondary_order_metakey' => false, // gets parsed later do not touch
'_post_get_content' => false,
'_post_get_excerpt' => false,
'_post_allow_empty_tax_term' => false,
'_post_use_relevance' => true,
// Special post tag filtering
'_post_tags_active' => false,
'_post_tags_include' => array(),
'_post_tags_exclude' => array(),
'_post_tags_logic' => "OR",
'_post_tags_empty' => 0,
'_post_meta_logic' => "AND",
'_post_meta_allow_null' => 0,
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// 3. ATTACHMENT search related arguments
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
'attachments_search_title' => true,
'attachments_search_content' => true,
'attachments_search_caption' => true,
'attachments_search_terms' => false,
'attachments_search_ids' => true,
'attachment_use_image' => true,
'attachment_mime_types' => array('image/jpeg', 'image/gif', 'image/png', 'image/tiff', 'image/x-icon'),
'attachment_exclude' => array(), // array of IDs
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// 4. BUDDYPRESS related arguments
'bp_groups_search' => false,
'bp_groups_search_public' => true,
'bp_groups_search_private' => true,
'bp_groups_search_hidden' => true,
'bp_activities_search' => true,
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// 5. COMMENTS related arguments
// Nothing here yet..
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// 6. TAXONOMY TERM search related arguments
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
'taxonomy_include' => array("category", "post_tag"), // taxonomies to search for terms
'taxonomy_terms_exclude' => array(), // string|array terms to exclude by ID
'taxonomy_terms_exclude2'=> array(), // array only
'taxonomy_terms_search_description' => true,
'_taxonomy_posts_affected' => true,
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
'user_login_search' => true,
'user_display_name_search' => true,
'user_first_name_search' => true,
'user_last_name_search' => true,
'user_bio_search' => true,
'user_search_meta_fields' => array(),
'user_search_bp_fields' => array(),
'user_search_exclude_roles' => array(),
'user_search_exclude_ids' => array(),
'user_search_exclude' => array(
'include' => array(1, 2, 3), // Include by IDs
'exclude' => array(4, 5, 6) // Exclude by IDs
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
'blog_exclude' => array(),
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
'cpt_query' => array(
'fields' => '',
'join' => '',
'where' => '',
'orderby' => ''
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Don't use/override these, unless you know what you are doing.
'_id' => -1,
'_o' => false,
'limit' => 0, // overall results limit, if >=0, then evenly distributed between sources
'_limit' => 0, // calculated limit based on the previous limit parameter
* _call_num ->
* Number of the consecutive ajax requests with the same configuration triggered by
* clicking on the 'More results..' link
* This is required to calculate the correct start of the result slicing
'_call_num' => 0,
'posts_limit' => 10,
'posts_limit_override' => 50,
'posts_limit_distribute' => 0,
'taxonomies_limit' => 10,
'taxonomies_limit_override' => 20,
'users_limit' => 10,
'users_limit_override' => 20,
'blogs_limit' => 10,
'blogs_limit_override' => 20,
'buddypress_limit' => 10,
'buddypress_limit_override' => 20,
'comments_limit' => 10,
'comments_limit_override' => 20,
'attachments_limit' => 10,
'attachments_limit_override' => 20,
'_charcount' => 0,
'_exact_matches' => false,
'_qtranslate_lang' => "en", // qtranslatex language data
'_wpml_lang' => "", // WPML language
'_polylang_lang' => "", // Polylang language
'_exclude_page_parent_child' => "", // parent page exclusion data (comma separated list)
'_taxonomy_group_logic' => 'AND',
'_db_force_case' => 'none',
'_db_force_utf8_like' => 0,
'_db_force_unicode' => 0,
'_ajax_search' => false, // Needs to be set explicitly to TRUE in search Ajax Handler class
* Other stuff
'_page_id' => 0, // Current Page ID
* Remaining Limit Modifier
* This is used mostly for more results overall limit.
* Overall Limit = LIMIT * _remaining_limit_mod
'_remaining_limit_mod' => 10
* Array of phrases of all synonym variations
private $finalPhrases = array();
* Constructor args
private $args = array();
* ASP_Query constructor.
* @param $args array of arguments
* @param int $search_id search ID
* @param array $options options from $_POST
public function __construct($args, $search_id = -1, $options = false ) {
// Expressions not allowed in static context
self::$defaults['_selected_blogs'] = array(get_current_blog_id());
if ( $search_id > -1 ) {
// Translate search data and options to args
// args priority $args > $search_args > $defaults
$search_args = ASP_Helpers::toQueryArgs($search_id, $options);
$search_args = wp_parse_args( $search_args, self::$defaults );
$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $search_args );
} else {
// No search instance, use default args
$args = wp_parse_args( $args, self::$defaults );
$args = $this->preProcessOptions($args);
$args = apply_filters("asp_query_args", $args, $search_id, $options);
$this->args = $args;
do_action('asp_before_search', $args['s']);
$this->args['s'] = apply_filters('asp_search_phrase_before_cleaning', $this->args['s']);
$this->args['s'] = ASP_Helpers::clear_phrase($this->args['s']);
$this->args['s'] = apply_filters('asp_search_phrase_after_cleaning', $this->args['s']);
$this->posts = $this->get_posts();
private function preProcessOptions($args) {
if ( !$args['_ajax_search'] && $args['_page_id'] == 0) {
$args['_page_id'] = get_the_ID();
return $args;
private function processOptions() {
$args = &$this->args;
// ---------------- Part 1. Query variables --------------------
// These parameters can be arrays and strings/numeric as well -> convert them to array
$array_param_keys = array(
foreach ($array_param_keys as $k)
$args[$k] = !is_array($args[$k]) ? array($args[$k]) : $args[$k];
if ( !is_array($args['search_type']) )
$args['search_type'] = array($args['search_type']);
if ( $args['limit'] > 0 && count($args['search_type']) > 0 )
$args['_limit'] = floor($args['limit']/count($args['search_type']));
if ( $args['posts_per_page'] == 0 )
$args['posts_per_page'] = get_option('posts_per_page');
$args['keyword_logic'] = strtolower($args['keyword_logic']);
// Primary order is a meta field
if (
$args['post_primary_order_metatype'] !== false &&
$args['_post_primary_order_metakey'] === false // this might be set in the helpers class, the nothing to do
) {
preg_match('/(.*?)[ ]+(.*)/', $args['post_primary_order'], $match);
if ( isset($match[2]) ) {
// 'field DESC' to 'customfp DESC'
$args['post_primary_order'] = 'customfp ' .$match[2];
$args['_post_primary_order_metakey'] = $match[1];
// Secondary order is a meta field
if (
$args['post_secondary_order_metatype'] !== false &&
$args['_post_secondary_order_metakey'] === false // this might be set in the helpers class, the nothing to do
) {
preg_match('/(.*?)[ ]+(.*)/', $args['post_secondary_order'], $match);
if ( isset($match[2]) ) {
// 'field DESC' to 'customfs DESC'
$args['post_secondary_order'] = 'customfs ' .$match[2];
$args['_post_secondary_order_metakey'] = $match[1];
// Parse custom query strings
$args['cpt_query'] = wp_parse_args($args['cpt_query'], self::$defaults['cpt_query']);
// WooCommerce Stuff
if ( class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) ) {
// -- Filter hidden catalog products
if ( in_array('product', $args['post_type']) || in_array('product_variation', $args['post_type']) ) {
$args['post_meta_filter'][] = array(
'key' => '_visibility',
'value' => array('visible', 'search'),
'operator' => 'IN',
'allow_missing' => true // in some cases this meta is missing..
// User search Stuff
// -- Exclude users by IDs
if ( isset($args['user_search_exclude']['exclude']) ) {
if ( is_string($args['user_search_exclude']['exclude']) ) {
$args['user_search_exclude']['exclude'] = explode(',', $args['user_search_exclude']['exclude']);
$args['user_search_exclude']['exclude'] = array_map('trim', $args['user_search_exclude']['exclude']);
if ( is_array($args['user_search_exclude']['exclude']) )
$args['user_search_exclude_ids'] = array_merge(
// -- Include users by IDs
if (
isset($args['user_search_exclude']['include']) &&
) {
$args['user_search_exclude']['include'] = explode(',', $args['user_search_exclude']['include']);
$args['user_search_exclude']['include'] = array_map('trim', $args['user_search_exclude']['include']);
// ------------------ Part 2. Search data ----------------------
// Break after this point, if no search data is provided
if ( !isset($this->args['_sd']) )
return false;
$sd = &$this->args['_sd'];
// Disabled compact layout if the box is hidden anyways
if ( $sd['box_sett_hide_box'] == 1 ) {
$sd['box_compact_layout'] = 0;
$sd['frontend_search_settings_visible'] = 1;
$sd['show_frontend_search_settings'] = 1;
$sd['frontend_search_settings_position'] = "block";
$sd['resultsposition'] = "block";
$sd['charcount'] = 0;
$sd['trigger_on_facet'] = 1;
$args['_charcount'] = $sd['charcount'];
$sd['image_options'] = array(
'image_cropping' => wd_asp()->o['asp_caching']['image_cropping'],
'show_images' => $sd['show_images'],
'image_bg_color' => $sd['image_bg_color'],
'image_transparency' => $sd['image_transparency'],
'apply_content_filter' => $sd['image_apply_content_filter'],
'image_width' => $sd['image_width'],
'image_height' => $sd['image_height'],
'image_source1' => $sd['image_source1'],
'image_source2' => $sd['image_source2'],
'image_source3' => $sd['image_source3'],
'image_source4' => $sd['image_source4'],
'image_source5' => $sd['image_source5'],
'image_default' => $sd['image_default'],
'image_source_featured' => $sd['image_source_featured'],
'image_custom_field' => $sd['image_custom_field']
if (isset($_POST['asp_get_as_array']))
$sd['image_options']['show_images'] = 0;
// ----------------- Recalculate image width/height ---------------
switch ($sd['resultstype']) {
case "horizontal":
/* Same width as height */
$sd['image_options']['image_width'] = wpdreams_width_from_px($sd['hreswidth']);
$sd['image_options']['image_height'] = wpdreams_width_from_px($sd['hor_img_height']);
case "polaroid":
$sd['image_options']['image_width'] = (int)($sd['preswidth']);
$sd['image_options']['image_height'] = (int)($sd['preswidth']);
case "isotopic":
$sd['image_options']['image_width'] = (int)($sd['i_item_width'] * 1.5);
$sd['image_options']['image_height'] = (int)($sd['i_item_height'] * 1.5);
public function get_posts() {
$args = $this->args;
$_args = $args; // copy to store changes
$ra = array(
'blogresults' => array(),
'allbuddypresults' => array(
'groupresults' => array(),
'activityresults' => array()
'alltermsresults' => array(),
'allpageposts' => array(),
'pageposts' => array(),
'repliesresults' => array(),
'allcommentsresults' => array(),
'commentsresults' => array(),
'userresults' => array(),
'attachment_results' => array()
// True if only CPT search in the index table is active
$search_only_it_posts =
$args['engine'] != 'regular' &&
count($args['search_type']) == 1 &&
in_array('cpt', $args['search_type']);
$s = $this->applyExceptions( $args['s'] );
// Allow empty search phrases only if the char count is 0
if ( $s != "" ||
($s == "" && ( isset($args['force_order']) || isset($args['force_count']) )) ||
($s == "" && $args['_charcount'] == 0)
$this->finalPhrases[] = $s;
$this->finalPhrases = apply_filters("asp_final_phrases", $this->finalPhrases);
$logics = array( $args['keyword_logic'] );
if ( !empty($args['secondary_logic']) && $args['secondary_logic'] !== 'none' && $args['_call_num'] == 0 )
$logics[] = strtolower($args['secondary_logic']);
// ---- Search Porcess Starts Here ----
foreach ($this->finalPhrases as $s) {
if (is_multisite() && $search_only_it_posts && $s != "") {
// Save huge amounts of server resources by not swapping all the blogs around
$args['_switch_on_preprocess'] = 1;
$search_index = new ASP_Search_INDEX($args);
$ra['pageposts'] = $search_index ->search();
$this->found_posts += $search_index->results_count;
do_action('asp_after_pagepost_results', $s, $ra['pageposts']);
$ra['allpageposts'] = array_merge( $ra['allpageposts'], $ra['pageposts'] );
} else {
foreach ($args['_selected_blogs'] as $blog) {
if (is_multisite()) switch_to_blog($blog);
if ( in_array('taxonomies', $args['search_type']) && count($args['taxonomy_include']) > 0 ) {
foreach ( $logics as $lk => $logic ) {
$args['keyword_logic'] = $logic;
if ( $lk > 0 )
$args['_exact_matches'] = 0;
$_terms = new ASP_Search_TERMS($args);
$ra['alltermsresults'] = array_merge($ra['alltermsresults'], $_terms->search($s));
if ($lk > 0)
$this->found_posts += $_terms->return_count;
$this->found_posts += $_terms->results_count;
$args['taxonomies_limit'] -= $_terms->return_count;
$args['taxonomies_limit_override'] -= $_terms->return_count;
$args['_exact_matches'] = $_args['_exact_matches'];
if ( in_array('cpt', $args['search_type']) && count($args['post_type']) > 0 ) {
if ( $args['posts_limit_distribute'] == 1) {
if ( isset($args['_sd']) && $args['_sd']['use_post_type_order'] == 1 ) {
$_temp_ptypes = array();
foreach ($args['_sd']['post_type_order'] as $pk => $p_order) {
if ( in_array($p_order, $args['post_type']) )
$_temp_ptypes[] = $p_order;
$_temp_ptypes = array_unique( array_merge($_temp_ptypes, $args['post_type']) );
} else {
$_temp_ptypes = $args['post_type'];
$_temp_ptype_limits = array();
foreach ( $_temp_ptypes as $_tptype ) {
$_temp_ptype_limits[$_tptype] = array(
(int)($args['posts_limit'] / count($_temp_ptypes)),
(int)($args['posts_limit_override'] / count($_temp_ptypes))
foreach ( $_temp_ptypes as $_tptype ) {
foreach ( $logics as $lk => $logic ) {
if ( $lk > 0 )
$args['_exact_matches'] = 0;
$args['keyword_logic'] = $logic;
$args['post_type'] = array($_tptype);
// Change the limits temporarly for the search
$args['posts_limit'] = $_temp_ptype_limits[$_tptype][0];
$args['posts_limit_override'] = $_temp_ptype_limits[$_tptype][1];
// For exact matches the regular engine is used
if ($args['engine'] == 'regular' || $args['_exact_matches'] == 1 || $s == "")
$_posts = new ASP_Search_CPT($args);
$_posts = new ASP_Search_INDEX($args);
$_posts_res = $_posts->search($s);
$ra['allpageposts'] = array_merge($ra['allpageposts'], $_posts_res);
if ($lk > 0)
$this->found_posts += $_posts->return_count;
$this->found_posts += $_posts->results_count;
$_temp_ptype_limits[$_tptype][0] -= $_posts->return_count;
$_temp_ptype_limits[$_tptype][1] -= $_posts->return_count;
$args['post_not_in2'] = array_merge($args['post_not_in2'], $this->getResIdsArr($_posts_res));
$args['_exact_matches'] = $_args['_exact_matches'];
$args['post_type'] = $_temp_ptypes;
} else {
foreach ( $logics as $lk => $logic ) {
$args['keyword_logic'] = $logic;
if ( $lk > 0 )
$args['_exact_matches'] = 0;
// For exact matches the regular engine is used
if ($args['engine'] == 'regular' || $args['_exact_matches'] == 1 || $s == "")
$_posts = new ASP_Search_CPT($args);
$_posts = new ASP_Search_INDEX($args);
$_posts_res = $_posts->search($s);
$ra['allpageposts'] = array_merge($ra['allpageposts'], $_posts_res);
if ($lk > 0)
$this->found_posts += $_posts->return_count;
$this->found_posts += $_posts->results_count;
$args['posts_limit'] -= $_posts->return_count;
$args['posts_limit_override'] -= $_posts->return_count;
$args['post_not_in2'] = array_merge($args['post_not_in2'], $this->getResIdsArr($_posts_res));
$args['_exact_matches'] = $_args['_exact_matches'];
do_action('asp_after_pagepost_results', $s, $ra['allpageposts']);
if ( in_array('comments', $args['search_type']) ) {
foreach ( $logics as $lk => $logic ) {
$args['keyword_logic'] = $logic;
if ( $lk > 0 )
$args['_exact_matches'] = 0;
$_comments = new ASP_Search_COMMENTS($args);
$ra['allcommentsresults'] = array_merge($ra['allcommentsresults'], $_comments->search($s));
if ($lk > 0)
$this->found_posts += $_comments->return_count;
$this->found_posts += $_comments->results_count;
$args['comments_limit'] -= $_comments->return_count;
$args['comments_limit_override'] -= $_comments->return_count;
$args['_exact_matches'] = $_args['_exact_matches'];
do_action('asp_after_comments_results', $s, $ra['allcommentsresults']);
if ( in_array('attachments', $args['search_type']) ) {
foreach ( $logics as $lk => $logic ) {
$args['keyword_logic'] = $logic;
if ( $lk > 0 )
$args['_exact_matches'] = 0;
$_attachments = new ASP_Search_ATTACHMENTS($args);
$_att_res = $_attachments->search($s);
$ra['attachment_results'] = array_merge($ra['attachment_results'], $_att_res);
if ($lk > 0)
$this->found_posts += $_attachments->return_count;
$this->found_posts += $_attachments->results_count;
$args['attachments_limit'] -= $_attachments->return_count;
$args['attachments_limit_override'] -= $_attachments->return_count;
$args['attachment_exclude'] = array_merge($args['attachment_exclude'], $this->getResIdsArr($_att_res));
$args['_exact_matches'] = $_args['_exact_matches'];
do_action('asp_after_attachment_results', $s, $ra['attachment_results']);
if (is_multisite()) restore_current_blog();
if ( in_array('buddypress', $args['search_type']) ) {
$_buddyp = new ASP_Search_BUDDYPRESS($args);
$buddypresults = $_buddyp->search($s); // !!! returns array for each result (group, user, reply) !!!
foreach ($buddypresults as $k => $v) {
$ra['allbuddypresults'][$k] = array_merge($ra['allbuddypresults'][$k], $v);
$this->found_posts += $_buddyp->results_count;
do_action('asp_after_buddypress_results', $s, $ra['allbuddypresults']);
if ( in_array('users', $args['search_type']) ) {
foreach ( $logics as $lk => $logic ) {
$args['keyword_logic'] = $logic;
if ( $lk > 0 )
$args['_exact_matches'] = 0;
$_users = new ASP_Search_USERS($args);
$_users_res = $_users->search($s);
$ra['userresults'] = array_merge($ra['userresults'], $_users_res);
if ($lk > 0)
$this->found_posts += $_users->return_count;
$this->found_posts += $_users->results_count;
$args['user_search_exclude_ids'] = array_merge($args['user_search_exclude_ids'], $this->getResIdsArr($_users_res));
$args['_exact_matches'] = $_args['_exact_matches'];
do_action('asp_after_user_results', $s, $ra['userresults']);
if ( in_array('blogs', $args['search_type']) && is_multisite() ) {
foreach ( $logics as $lk => $logic ) {
$args['keyword_logic'] = $logic;
if ( $lk > 0 )
$args['_exact_matches'] = 0;
$_blogs = new ASP_Search_BLOGS($args);
$_blog_res = $_blogs->search($s);
$ra['blogresults'] = array_merge($ra['blogresults'], $_blog_res);
if ($lk > 0)
$this->found_posts += $_blogs->return_count;
$this->found_posts += $_blogs->results_count;
$args['blog_exclude'] = array_merge($args['blog_exclude'], $this->getResIdsArr($_blog_res));
$args['_exact_matches'] = $_args['_exact_matches'];
// ---- Search Porcess Stops Here ----
$ra['alltermsresults'] = apply_filters('asp_terms_results', $ra['alltermsresults'], $args["_id"]);
$ra['allpageposts'] = apply_filters('asp_pagepost_results', $ra['allpageposts'], $args["_id"]);
$ra['allcommentsresults'] = apply_filters('asp_comment_results', $ra['allcommentsresults'], $args["_id"]);
$ra['allbuddypresults'] = apply_filters('asp_buddyp_results', $ra['allbuddypresults'], $args["_id"]);
$ra['blogresults'] = apply_filters('asp_blog_results', $ra['blogresults'], $args["_id"]);
$ra['userresults'] = apply_filters('asp_user_results', $ra['userresults'], $args["_id"]);
$ra['attachment_results'] = apply_filters('asp_attachment_results', $ra['attachment_results'], $args["_id"]);
// Results as array, unordered
$results_arr = array(
'terms' => $ra['alltermsresults'],
'blogs' => $ra['blogresults'],
'bp_activities' => $ra['allbuddypresults']['activityresults'],
'comments' => $ra['allcommentsresults'],
'bp_groups' => $ra['allbuddypresults']['groupresults'],
'bp_users' => $ra['userresults'],
'post_page_cpt' => $ra['allpageposts'],
'attachments' => $ra['attachment_results']
foreach ( $results_arr as $k => $v ) {
$final = array();
foreach ( $results_arr[$k] as $kk => $current ) {
$found = false;
foreach ($final as $item) {
if ($item->id == $current->id && $item->blogid == $current->blogid) {
$found = true;
if ( !$found )
$final[] = $current;
$results_arr[$k] = $final;
// Order if search data is set
if ( isset($args['_sd']) ) {
$results_order = $args['_sd']['results_order'];
if (strpos($results_order, 'attachments') === false)
$results_order .= "|attachments";
// These keys are in the right order
$results_order_arr = explode('|', $results_order);
$results = array();
foreach ($results_order_arr as $rk => $rv) {
$results = array_merge($results, $results_arr[$rv]);
$results = apply_filters('asp_results', $results, $args['_id'], $args['_ajax_search'], $args);
// Group if neccessary
if (
$args['_sd']['resultstype'] == 'vertical' &&
$args['_sd']['group_by'] != "none" &&
) {
$results = $this->group( $results );
} else {
$results = array();
foreach ($results_arr as $rk => $rv) {
$results = array_merge($results, $rv);
$results = apply_filters('asp_results', $results, -1, false, $args);
// For non-ajax searches, we need the WP_Post objects
if ( !$args['_ajax_search'] )
$results = asp_results_to_wp_obj($results, $args['posts_per_page'] * ($args['page'] - 1), $args['posts_per_page']);
return $results;
public function kwSuggestions() {
if ( !isset($this->args['_sd']) )
return array();
$keywords = array();
$types = array();
$sd = &$this->args['_sd'];
$results = array();
if ($sd['searchinposts'] == 1)
$types[] = "post";
if ($sd['searchinpages'] == 1)
$types[] = "page";
if (isset($sd['selected-customtypes']) && count($sd['selected-customtypes']) > 0)
$types = array_merge($types, $sd['selected-customtypes']);
$remaining_count = 0;
$possible_phrases = $this->kwPossiblePhrases( $this->args['s'] );
foreach ($possible_phrases as $phrase) {
$phrase = trim($phrase);
if ( $phrase == "" ) continue;
foreach (w_isset_def($sd['selected-keyword_suggestion_source'], array('google')) as $source) {
$remaining_count = $sd['keyword_suggestion_count'] - count($keywords);
if ($remaining_count <= 0) break;
$taxonomy = "";
// Check if this is a taxonomy
if (strpos($source, 'xtax_') !== false) {
$taxonomy = str_replace('xtax_', '', $source);
$source = "terms";
//$class_name = "wpd_" . $source . "KeywordSuggest";
$t = new wpd_keywordSuggest($source, array(
'maxCount' => $remaining_count,
'maxCharsPerWord' => $sd['keyword_suggestion_length'],
'postTypes' => $types,
'lang' => $sd['keywordsuggestionslang'],
'overrideUrl' => '',
'taxonomy' => $taxonomy,
'api_key' => $sd['kws_google_places_api']
$keywords = array_merge($keywords, $t->getKeywords($phrase));
if ($remaining_count <= 0) break;
if ($keywords != false) {
$results['keywords'] = $keywords;
$results['nores'] = 1;
$results = apply_filters('asp_only_keyword_results', $results);
return $results;
private function kwPossiblePhrases( $phrase ) {
$pa = explode(" ", $phrase);
if ( ASP_mb::strlen($pa[0]) > 3 ) {
return array(
$pa[0], ASP_mb::substr($pa[0], 0, -1), ASP_mb::substr($pa[0], 1)
} else {
return $pa;
private function group( $results ) {
if ( !isset($this->args['_sd']) )
return false;
$sd = &$this->args['_sd'];
$id = $this->args['_id'];
$groups = array();
$other_res_group = array(
"title" => asp_icl_t( "Group (".$id."):", $sd["group_other_results_head"]),
"items" => array()
$group_prefix = asp_icl_t( "Group header prefix (".$id.")", $sd['group_header_prefix']);
$group_suffix = asp_icl_t( "Group header suffix (".$id.")", $sd['group_header_suffix']);
if ( $sd['group_by'] == "post_type" ) {
foreach ( $sd['groupby_cpt'] as $k => $v ) {
$groups[$v["post_type"]] = array(
"title" => $group_prefix . " " . asp_icl_t( "Group (".$id."): " . $v["name"], $v["name"]) . " " . $group_suffix,
"items" => array()
foreach ($results as $k=>$r) {
if ( $r->content_type == "pagepost" && isset($groups[$r->post_type]) ) {
$groups[$r->post_type]['items'][] = $r;
} else if($sd["group_result_no_group"] != "remove") {
$other_res_group['items'][] = $r;
} else if ( $sd['group_by'] == "categories_terms" ) {
$taxonomies = array();
foreach ( $sd['groupby_terms']['terms'] as $k => $t ) {
if ( $t['id'] == -1) {
$terms = get_terms($t['taxonomy']);
foreach ($terms as $tt) {
$groups["_" . $tt->term_id] = array(
"title" => $group_prefix . " " . $tt->name . " " . $group_suffix,
"items" => array()
} else {
$tt = get_term($t['id'], $t['taxonomy']);
$groups["_" . $t['id']] = array(
"title" => $group_prefix . " " . $tt->name . " " . $group_suffix,
"items" => array()
if ( !in_array($t['taxonomy'], $taxonomies) )
$taxonomies[] = $t['taxonomy'];
foreach ($results as $k=>$r) {
if ( $r->content_type == "pagepost" && count($taxonomies) > 0 ) {
$terms = wp_get_object_terms( $r->id, $taxonomies, array('fields'=>'ids') );
$matched_a_term = false;
foreach ($terms as $tt) {
if ( isset($groups["_" . $tt]) ) {
$groups["_" . $tt]['items'][] = $r;
$matched_a_term = true;
if ($sd['group_exclude_duplicates'] == 1)
if ( !$matched_a_term )
$other_res_group['items'][] = $r;
} else if($sd["group_result_no_group"] != "remove") {
$other_res_group['items'][] = $r;
} else if ( $sd['group_by'] == "content_type" ) {
foreach ( $sd['groupby_content_type'] as $k => $v ) {
$groups[$k] = array(
"title" => $group_prefix . " " . asp_icl_t( "Group (".$id."): " . $v, $v) . " " . $group_suffix,
"items" => array()
foreach ($results as $k=>$r) {
if ( isset($groups[$r->g_content_type]) ) {
$groups[$r->g_content_type]['items'][] = $r;
} else if($sd["group_result_no_group"] != "remove") {
$other_res_group['items'][] = $r;
$groups["_other_res"] = $other_res_group;
// Remove empty groups
foreach ($groups as $k => $g) {
if (count($g['items']) == 0) {
if ( $sd['group_result_count'] == 1 )
$groups[$k]['title'] .= " (".count($groups[$k]['items']).")";
if ( count($groups) > 0)
return array("grouped" => 1, "groups" => $groups);
return array();
private function applyExceptions( $s ) {
if ( !isset($this->args['_sd']) )
return false;
$sd = &$this->args['_sd'];
if ($sd["kw_exceptions"] == "" && $sd["kw_exceptions_e"] == "") return $s;
if ($sd["kw_exceptions"] != "") {
$exceptions = str_replace(array(" ,", ", ", " , "), ",", $sd["kw_exceptions"]);
$s = trim( str_replace( explode(",", $exceptions), "", $s) );
$s = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $s);
if ($sd["kw_exceptions_e"] != "") {
$exceptions = str_replace(array(" ,", ", ", " , "), ",", $sd["kw_exceptions_e"]);
$exceptions = explode(',', $exceptions);
foreach ($exceptions as $k => &$v)
$v = '/\b' . $v . '\b/u';
if ( count($exceptions) > 0 ) {
$s = trim(preg_replace($exceptions, '', $s));
$s = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $s);
return $s;
private function getResIdsArr( $r ) {
$ret = array();
if ( is_array($r) )
foreach ($r as $k => $v)
if ( isset($v->id) )
$ret[] = $v->id;
return $ret;
This WordPress search plugin officially supports Visual Composer as well. So in addition an Ajax Search Pro Visual Composer addon is included within the plugin.