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Webhost will except I want to try to explain everything in this video as concisely as possible. Now, let me first tell you in SSL certificate has nothing to do with website security of someone hacking in your website. It has nothing to do that and the reason I bring this up as I did make an SSL video before some guy was all criticizing me that. I didn't have an SSL certificate on my website in and I'm not practicing what I'm preaching and stuff like that but SSL certificates are for securing in encrypting information that goes from your website to someone's computer that's what it's doing is not preventing someone from hacking into your website. Now, typically if you're going to take any kind of credit card payments on your website. Now nothing about PayPal and someone goes your website clicks a button and then it takes them over to PayPal that does not require an SSL certificate because all the payment information goes back and forth on PayPal's website not your website.

But if you want to use the PayPal where you're actually taking the payment on your website

or if you want to use stripe which is one of the most popular online payment integrations

for pretty much any e-commerce platform then you need an SSL certificate on your website
How to Install A Free SSL Security Certificate On Your WordPress Website
so that information that goes back-and-forth will be fully encrypted now there's different

types of security certificates there some free ones and there some that cost reasonable

amounts of money like 10 or $20 or $50 and then there's some that are in the hundreds

of dollars and I just kinda want to explain in layman's terms what's the difference between

all of these so for instance let me just show you that the easiest way is to show you all

and let me go back if you see on my website I did add an SSL certificate to my website

Lemme let me step back a minute the reason why you really want to give some serious consideration

to adding an SSL certificate your website is because number one it's a and SCO factor

for Google so basically if you had the same content on a non-SSL site and and and a website

that did have a certificate Google's gonna favor the one that has the security certificate

Google wants everything encrypted so much so in the year 2017 on the Google Chrome web

browser they are going to have notices when people go to a website and it's not running

behind an SSL certificate so this right here is an image of what that warnings gonna look

like so right now you can see right here is if someone was on your website and trying

to login it would look normal that's Outlook today but come 2017 this big warning sign

this is not secure is going to show and that might freak some people out in people the

average users not even in the know what the heck that means they're going to think that

the whole website is not secure so that would appear kind of right here this nonsecure message

so that is a another important reason why you have a lot of web people saying right

now you really want to get onto an SSL certificate and start encrypting the traffic on your website

How to Install A Free SSL Security Certificate On Your WordPress Website

so that is that so those are two reasons why you really gotta give some strong consideration

to implementing it now there are some different categories of paid certificates so when you're

looking at a Google search I just did a quick search for by SSL certificate and I want to

show you the difference between what a six dollars certificate costs and looks like in

a web browser and what a more expensive and the hundreds of dollars certificates can look

like and so let me just click on this first adhere kinda stinks there good paper that

click this is a normal certificate you got the padlock in the top left and it says in

green HTTPS that your typical basic security certificate let me show you the difference

between the ones that cost a lot more when I click on this link you see right here it

doesn't just have the padlock it says in green the name of the company that is called an

EV certificate which stands for extended validation certificate and those of the ones that cost

in the hundreds of dollars so for instance this website right here sells that EV certificate

for $300 so it's gonna cost a lot more so six bucks or even freeing him to talk about

that will give you get to this padlock and that's what I have but if you want to spend

more money now if you're a big e-commerce website or if you have anything to do in the

banking financial industry you really want to pay the money and get the EV certificate

to have it say your name there you really that that's a must that's a definite must

but if you're just the average web user and you've got a website and you don't want people

to get that morning when they're using Google Chrome and visiting your website then a basic

certificate is going to be fine so let me show you some of the options to get a free

certificate there is a new project that started I think it might've been in 2015 called let's

encrypt and they are a free certificate issuing entity so you can essentially get a security

certificate for free now there are a lot of Webhost that support let's encrypt and there's

a lot of Webhost that don't and I don't know why Webhost in 2016 I think was early 2016

it was in all the news and so I wonder if the Webhost are taking a wait-and-see approach

with them and that's why they don't so all your big name of Webhost do not support let's

encrypt security certificates including the Webhost that I use and I recommend which is

InMotion hosting they don't support it at all now there's an alternative if you want

a free security certificate on your website and I use this extensively and it's through

a company called cloud of flair they make it super easy I want all my websites through

cloud of flair they give you a content delivery network is a free service by the way a free

security certificate and they'd have some denial of service protection of someone's

attacking your website they protect you from that as well and you get all this for free

so in this video I just want to show you how to get a free certificate with cloud of flair

running on your website and one of the reasons I wanted to make this video was for people

that I've suggested go to InMotion hosting and then they want a free security certificate

that's why wanted to make this video that you just wanted to pay for a security certificate

you're fine with that by far the easiest way is just the log into your web hosting and

order it some it might be 50 bucks or 100 bucks and they do everything for you and some

of them require was called the static IP address all this techie stuff but they'll handle it

all for you you just pay the price and that's an annual fee if you wanted to do something

like that that that's by far the easiest I know with InMotion hosting that button right

there you just click on it you pay for it and you'll have your certificate in 24 hours

so if you want to do it that way that's totally fine or you can go the cloud of flair route

now with cloud flare what you're going to do here and sign up for free accounts and

then you're going and let's just let us take a look at it together she come here you're

gonna click on hoops I didn't actually want to see this video you want to just go ahead

and click right here on sign-up in its gonna take you to this page to get a free cloud

flare account just popping your email and choose a password agree you'll get an email

you click on it it just verifies your email address and then you can login for the first

time in which you want to do is you want to click on this plus add site right here in

the menu on the top right and the right here you're just going to put in your website URL

so if I go to show which is one of my websites and then click on begin scan then

what is going to do is it's going to do some scanning of something called your DNS records

I know it's a little technical so it's gonna get those records and then it's been instance

can a request for you to make a change where your domain names are registered so if you

have your domain name registered it in motion her name cheap I use name cheap you will have

to make a little change to what's called your DNS records are your answer you can make a

change your name server not your DNS records so it's doing is little scan and it should

just take a moment and it's going to give us some more options that will look at together

I've been using cloud flare for probably the last two years it's pretty amazing service

what they do and the and also through using it service will speed up your websites when

people are visiting your website the experience will be more fluid and more fast okay so stunned

doing it scan you would go ahead and click on continue set up now right here it's showing

you some technical things it's just it's just verifying and confirming your DNS records

now this is a little bit too technical for most people and that's okay you can just scroll

down to the bottom and then click on continue its to be right these DNS records okay so

right here you're going to choose a plan and you're just going to go ahead and choose the

free website plan like that and you can see right here it's the free SSL go ahead and

click on continue and this is where you need to change your name servers so right here

it shows me my current name servers which are with InMotion hosting but I need to change


and then type in the word change name server and you will have instructions for itself

if it's name cheap that you're with you can even contact their support and I'll tell you

what to click on and how to do it it's usually pretty easy in these control panels when you

log in and you look at your domain name don't be something there that says said her change

your name servers and that is something that you're going to have to do in order to get

it to work you needed to change it to these two check name servers that it gives you to

change it and what this accomplishes is now when someone visit your website their first

going to flow through cloud flare and what cloud flares can do is some of the content

it's going to serve up off of their servers which makes your website load a bit quicker

and it's also been allow them to put that security certificate in so you can want to

go ahead and do that and when you make this change it might take a few hours to go into

effect and you'll come here and be able to verified some just going to go ahead and click

on continue and see how it's a status pending its goodness that say status pending until

it verifies that this changes done in this change goes into effect and by default you

can see right here it's going to add a security certificate but I want to go ahead and click

on full and what you're going to want to do is changes from full to flexible and flexible

is going to be the most easy way to get the security certificate on your website you can

easily click help right here to read what the differences but just go ahead and choose

on flexible and you don't have to click save it's one of the things I like about cloud

of flair they are good soon as you change the option it's going to save that for you

so now it's just a waiting game you're probably going to have to wait 24 hours for the certificate

to be issued and if you make your change to the name server for that all to go into effect

and what you're gonna want to do as you gonna want to test your website by entering a HTTP

as and then the website URL in seeing if it gives you what's called a certificate warning

so that's a warning that says there's no valid certificate now if the certificates been issued

it's not can give you that warning now all that's good to be left is you're going to

have to install a plug-in on your WordPress based the website and what this plug-ins going

to do is it's good to do everything word press needs to make it so whenever someone visits

your website they're going to get the HT TBS the secure version of your website so someone

types HT to and then your website URL it's gonna redirect them to the secure version

HT to the and that's what this plug-ins can to do which is called really simple SSL I

have a full video on the plug and it really easy all you have to do is go to plug-ins

add new search for really simple SSL install and activate in a pretty much does everything

for you it couldn't be any easier and I have a video on that up with a link to that video

down below also put some links to cloud a flare for you and I'll put a link to let's

encrypt it as well but this is the easiest way to get an SSL certificate on your website

so in January when Google Chrome's going to start throwing up that warning you will not

have that warning for your website visitors and you'll also get this SCO boost in this

SCO benefit of having a security certificate on your website so that's all there is to

installing a free SSL certificate on your website now I know this might be a little

more technical or a little more complicated than some of my other videos if you need help

in this process feel free to leave a comment down below and I'll gladly respond to you

and help you in any way if I might've left a little piece here out or there if you're

running into any trouble I totally want to help you get an SSL certificate on your website

before you go I have something for you and before I get into that I wanted to ask you

to do something for me if you could give me a thumbs up on this video and if you're not

a subscriber click on the subscribe button right beneath me if you have a question on

this video be happy to answer it you can also leave a comment or question down below this

video hey I put together a course and just for you and I'm in a give it to you for free

all you have to do is click on the button right here on the right it's called the three

steps to WordPress success it's an awesome course you're gonna love it I would love for

you to join in and enroll as a student in this course thanks for watching this video

I really appreciated and I do it just for you that there's a lot of Webhost that won't

support it but I do know they had some security problems with the certificates to these now

if you don't know how to do this you can easily Google it and come up with an answer so you

would google the name of where your domain names are registered.
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