YouTube Algorithm Update, No More Creator Suggested Videos on Youtube
They are changing things around. Surprise, surprise, surprise. Are you surprised? I'm not surprised. It's basically job security for me because they're always changing something. But, they are literally moving things around and honestly, this affects all creators.
Greetings people of the internet. Derral Eves here. Now YouTube is at it again. They are meddling. That's right, meddling. This is meddling. With the algorithm. And anytime they meddle with the algorithm, it gets content creators here on YouTube really upset. And a time not to meddle with the algorithm probably is about now because you know what? Wow. There's a lot of stuff that's going on and there's a lot of upset creators.
Well, here's the big thing that most people don't know. But the number one traffic source on YouTube is what is it guys? Suggested videos. I mean, that right there gets more views than any other thing across the board. Now one thing that YouTube always does is they're always trying to tweak the suggested videos to get it out to the right people. And their suggestion engine. That algorithm that tries to suggest and try to predict what people want to watch. They're always meddling with that and trying to get that in front of the right people because if they can do that, people will actually extend their watch time on YouTube. And if they extend their watch time on YouTube, YouTube is going to make more money and content creators will make more money.
Here's where it gets really, really interesting. Back in the fall, I actually noticed along with a lot of different content creators, that there was some things happening on YouTube that they were testing out. Now this is very normal and commonplace for YouTube to actually group channels together and have a focus group. But nobody knows it's going on. And basically what happens is they tweak and see what happens to this focus group if they're if the indicators are positive or if they're negative or if they're neutral. And basically they make a decision. Are we gonna move on? Are we gonna add more channels to this focus group? Or are we going to readjust some things and see what happens to it? Or are we going to completely abandon this test
And generally if it's a positive thing for YouTube and when it's positive, it's basically getting the results that they want which is more watch time and keeping people more engaged on YouTube so they're actually making more money and when that happens, they basically will extend out that focus group which is adding more channels together and testing it to a larger sample size. Now what's really interesting is where they're actually tweaking the algorithm and what they were actually doing. And basically it had everything to do with the YouTube watch base. That's basically where people watch the video that they're consuming on YouTube. And those suggested videos that actually come up on the side of the video if they're on desktop or down below if they're on mobile, that's what they're actually modifying, because before, for several years there was actually a system in place of hey what would show up where and the algorithm would kind of tweak but there's some set parameters that's there. Now you guys have seen this. You've watched a lot of videos on YouTube. And the first thing that actually shows up is up next.
Now the up next video suggestion is basically unique to every viewer. So basically YouTube takes the viewer's history of what they actually do on YouTube and also the video that they're actually watching. That history, what people actually do and they actually bring it together and basically YouTube's saying, okay, because of this information and this information, this is what we're going to show up next for this specific viewer. So it's very unique. And because someone's actually watching a video on your channel, doesn't necessarily mean that they're actually gonna see the next video in your channel or any video on your channel in the up next section because it's based on that information.
However, to increase the likelihood, ah there's some playlist strategies that you can do that will increase the chances for that video to actually show up. Now the next suggestion is an ad. And that ad is related to the channel, but also the video, and also it's a placement depending on how they're actually putting that ad out there. And what YouTube did before and this is what they've changed is the next four videos that actually showed up would be the video that you're actually watching that creator. It would be one of their videos. And the YouTube algorithm would figure out, what video would make sense for the viewer that's actually watching based on their history and so on. Next, basically YouTube would go out and look for related videos similar to your video and they can be multiple different creators or it can even be your videos if you had a lot in a series or whatever it may be. Basically YouTube would go out from there. And the last section that they'd actually recommend would be based on the viewer itself. So for example if I actually watched GoPro videos and this is not necessarily a GoPro video but I have a history of watching GoPro videos, well YouTube would actually suggest that. And say, you know what? I know in the past you've watched a hundred different GoPro videos, and so, let's go ahead and watch this one. And so what YouTube actually did was changing the order of the suggested videos. And so, basically there was that set pattern and basically they're saying, "what if we took this out, "and what if we modified this, "what if we actually put here "based on these variables." And that's what they are testing.
Well, since they did that, they kind of extended their focus group and it got bigger and bigger and bigger, and now it rolled out for basically the whole platform on YouTube. And what happened was, those four videos that was guaranteed a creator to have, those are guaranteed suggested videos are no longer there. That's right. They're no longer a guarantee. It's like my friend was saying, Matt Gilley he says, "YouTube literally has slapped "every content creator in the face." (smack) (groans) Ouch! Now that really hurts. Or does it? I'd really love to hear your thoughts. Put it in the comments. This will be very interesting read. Now, we actually have access to a lot of YouTube channels. We own channels, we manage channels, we have a lot of friends that are content creators, so that data is right at our fingertips. And we've noticed that there are a lot of channels losing those views based on what they've been doing year over year on YouTube. And like what Matt says, it's like a slap in the face to them. However, we do have data on some other channels that literally say okay, "YouTube wants us, we're going to adjust "the way our strategy is." And those channels are exploding. They're getting a lot more views a lot more suggested views that's there. So there is a balance. Are you always going to do the things that you're going to do, or do you need to change up your strategies and look for other ways of doing things on YouTube? So what do we do? Well we got to give YouTube what it wants. And what YouTube wants, of course is to make money. But how do they actually make money? Well it's getting people to come on the platform on YouTube everyday. And getting them to extend their watch time on that platform everyday. So they'll come on one day and then the next day they come on and YouTube wants them to stay longer on YouTube. And they come back the next day after that. And they stay longer on YouTube. That's what YouTube wants and they have a lot of data saying the longer they actually come back on a consistent basis and come back and extend their watch time, there's a guarantee that they're actually going to make more money. And that's what they're looking to do. And so if they can tweak the algorithm with the suggested videos to make that happen, that's what they're going to do every single time. So what can you do as a content creator? Well, it is literally changing your strategy to modify to fulfill with what YouTube wants as their goals. So, if you don't if you don't upload at a consistent time, I would say you know what? Upload at a consistent time, and a date.
And honestly, be consistent with that, and say okay. Instead of doing it once a week, I'm gonna go to do twice a week, and I'm going to let people know when that is, so that they all actually come on YouTube every single time. And if you can't create more content, you can create more playlists. Now, this is a tool that is so underutilized on YouTube, I can tell you. Everyone that I talk to, they don't really use the power of playlist. And this strategy right now with giving YouTube what it wants and especially with those suggested videos, it's all about grouping videos together and get people in a pattern of watching videos and engaging with those videos in a pattern and that will help you actually have those videos be suggested for your channel. And more so than ever before, I would say that YouTube really wants you to focus in on your thumbnail, your title, your hook, your content, your call to engagement, and your call to action than ever before. That's what I would actually do.
How to actually engage with them in the video. How do you actually engage with them in the description, and so on. This is very very important to do that. And another way that I'm really shocked is seeing that a lot of content creators aren't using cards or even end screen elements. They're not sending their traffic anywhere. Not even to their own videos. And that's one thing that we can do. And that helps YouTube say okay. This video, there's a large majority of people that when they finish the video, they click on that end screen element and they go watch this other video, they'll let's make that that up next video. Or let's make that in the suggest because there's a higher probability that people will want to watch that because we actually have a lot of data on that. Now I'd really love to hear your thoughts.
Now, is YouTube's meddling literally gonna make YouTube implode? And then destroy it? Go ahead and put your comments in the comments below. And also, have you noticed a down cycle with your channel? Are you getting less views? Or actually are you getting more views? I'd really love to hear what's actually going on with people that are actually watching this video. Now if you're not subscribed yet, go ahead and hit that subscribe button, and I want to give a special shoutout and thanks to my Patreons over on Patreon. Thank you guys so much for sponsoring this article. And making me forcing me encouraging me to make more videos. Thank you guys. And have a wonderful and effective day.
Greetings people of the internet. Derral Eves here. Now YouTube is at it again. They are meddling. That's right, meddling. This is meddling. With the algorithm. And anytime they meddle with the algorithm, it gets content creators here on YouTube really upset. And a time not to meddle with the algorithm probably is about now because you know what? Wow. There's a lot of stuff that's going on and there's a lot of upset creators.
YouTube Algorithm Update: No More Creator Suggested Videos
And I mean, there's a lot of things that are going on. But several months ago, a lot of content creators here on YouTube have noticed a huge decline in views. And they're trying to figure out what's going on because they're uploading regularly, they're doing all the things consistently that they've always done before, but yet, they're getting less views.Well, here's the big thing that most people don't know. But the number one traffic source on YouTube is what is it guys? Suggested videos. I mean, that right there gets more views than any other thing across the board. Now one thing that YouTube always does is they're always trying to tweak the suggested videos to get it out to the right people. And their suggestion engine. That algorithm that tries to suggest and try to predict what people want to watch. They're always meddling with that and trying to get that in front of the right people because if they can do that, people will actually extend their watch time on YouTube. And if they extend their watch time on YouTube, YouTube is going to make more money and content creators will make more money.
Here's where it gets really, really interesting. Back in the fall, I actually noticed along with a lot of different content creators, that there was some things happening on YouTube that they were testing out. Now this is very normal and commonplace for YouTube to actually group channels together and have a focus group. But nobody knows it's going on. And basically what happens is they tweak and see what happens to this focus group if they're if the indicators are positive or if they're negative or if they're neutral. And basically they make a decision. Are we gonna move on? Are we gonna add more channels to this focus group? Or are we going to readjust some things and see what happens to it? Or are we going to completely abandon this test
And generally if it's a positive thing for YouTube and when it's positive, it's basically getting the results that they want which is more watch time and keeping people more engaged on YouTube so they're actually making more money and when that happens, they basically will extend out that focus group which is adding more channels together and testing it to a larger sample size. Now what's really interesting is where they're actually tweaking the algorithm and what they were actually doing. And basically it had everything to do with the YouTube watch base. That's basically where people watch the video that they're consuming on YouTube. And those suggested videos that actually come up on the side of the video if they're on desktop or down below if they're on mobile, that's what they're actually modifying, because before, for several years there was actually a system in place of hey what would show up where and the algorithm would kind of tweak but there's some set parameters that's there. Now you guys have seen this. You've watched a lot of videos on YouTube. And the first thing that actually shows up is up next.
Now the up next video suggestion is basically unique to every viewer. So basically YouTube takes the viewer's history of what they actually do on YouTube and also the video that they're actually watching. That history, what people actually do and they actually bring it together and basically YouTube's saying, okay, because of this information and this information, this is what we're going to show up next for this specific viewer. So it's very unique. And because someone's actually watching a video on your channel, doesn't necessarily mean that they're actually gonna see the next video in your channel or any video on your channel in the up next section because it's based on that information.
However, to increase the likelihood, ah there's some playlist strategies that you can do that will increase the chances for that video to actually show up. Now the next suggestion is an ad. And that ad is related to the channel, but also the video, and also it's a placement depending on how they're actually putting that ad out there. And what YouTube did before and this is what they've changed is the next four videos that actually showed up would be the video that you're actually watching that creator. It would be one of their videos. And the YouTube algorithm would figure out, what video would make sense for the viewer that's actually watching based on their history and so on. Next, basically YouTube would go out and look for related videos similar to your video and they can be multiple different creators or it can even be your videos if you had a lot in a series or whatever it may be. Basically YouTube would go out from there. And the last section that they'd actually recommend would be based on the viewer itself. So for example if I actually watched GoPro videos and this is not necessarily a GoPro video but I have a history of watching GoPro videos, well YouTube would actually suggest that. And say, you know what? I know in the past you've watched a hundred different GoPro videos, and so, let's go ahead and watch this one. And so what YouTube actually did was changing the order of the suggested videos. And so, basically there was that set pattern and basically they're saying, "what if we took this out, "and what if we modified this, "what if we actually put here "based on these variables." And that's what they are testing.
Well, since they did that, they kind of extended their focus group and it got bigger and bigger and bigger, and now it rolled out for basically the whole platform on YouTube. And what happened was, those four videos that was guaranteed a creator to have, those are guaranteed suggested videos are no longer there. That's right. They're no longer a guarantee. It's like my friend was saying, Matt Gilley he says, "YouTube literally has slapped "every content creator in the face." (smack) (groans) Ouch! Now that really hurts. Or does it? I'd really love to hear your thoughts. Put it in the comments. This will be very interesting read. Now, we actually have access to a lot of YouTube channels. We own channels, we manage channels, we have a lot of friends that are content creators, so that data is right at our fingertips. And we've noticed that there are a lot of channels losing those views based on what they've been doing year over year on YouTube. And like what Matt says, it's like a slap in the face to them. However, we do have data on some other channels that literally say okay, "YouTube wants us, we're going to adjust "the way our strategy is." And those channels are exploding. They're getting a lot more views a lot more suggested views that's there. So there is a balance. Are you always going to do the things that you're going to do, or do you need to change up your strategies and look for other ways of doing things on YouTube? So what do we do? Well we got to give YouTube what it wants. And what YouTube wants, of course is to make money. But how do they actually make money? Well it's getting people to come on the platform on YouTube everyday. And getting them to extend their watch time on that platform everyday. So they'll come on one day and then the next day they come on and YouTube wants them to stay longer on YouTube. And they come back the next day after that. And they stay longer on YouTube. That's what YouTube wants and they have a lot of data saying the longer they actually come back on a consistent basis and come back and extend their watch time, there's a guarantee that they're actually going to make more money. And that's what they're looking to do. And so if they can tweak the algorithm with the suggested videos to make that happen, that's what they're going to do every single time. So what can you do as a content creator? Well, it is literally changing your strategy to modify to fulfill with what YouTube wants as their goals. So, if you don't if you don't upload at a consistent time, I would say you know what? Upload at a consistent time, and a date.
And honestly, be consistent with that, and say okay. Instead of doing it once a week, I'm gonna go to do twice a week, and I'm going to let people know when that is, so that they all actually come on YouTube every single time. And if you can't create more content, you can create more playlists. Now, this is a tool that is so underutilized on YouTube, I can tell you. Everyone that I talk to, they don't really use the power of playlist. And this strategy right now with giving YouTube what it wants and especially with those suggested videos, it's all about grouping videos together and get people in a pattern of watching videos and engaging with those videos in a pattern and that will help you actually have those videos be suggested for your channel. And more so than ever before, I would say that YouTube really wants you to focus in on your thumbnail, your title, your hook, your content, your call to engagement, and your call to action than ever before. That's what I would actually do.
How to actually engage with them in the video. How do you actually engage with them in the description, and so on. This is very very important to do that. And another way that I'm really shocked is seeing that a lot of content creators aren't using cards or even end screen elements. They're not sending their traffic anywhere. Not even to their own videos. And that's one thing that we can do. And that helps YouTube say okay. This video, there's a large majority of people that when they finish the video, they click on that end screen element and they go watch this other video, they'll let's make that that up next video. Or let's make that in the suggest because there's a higher probability that people will want to watch that because we actually have a lot of data on that. Now I'd really love to hear your thoughts.
Now, is YouTube's meddling literally gonna make YouTube implode? And then destroy it? Go ahead and put your comments in the comments below. And also, have you noticed a down cycle with your channel? Are you getting less views? Or actually are you getting more views? I'd really love to hear what's actually going on with people that are actually watching this video. Now if you're not subscribed yet, go ahead and hit that subscribe button, and I want to give a special shoutout and thanks to my Patreons over on Patreon. Thank you guys so much for sponsoring this article. And making me forcing me encouraging me to make more videos. Thank you guys. And have a wonderful and effective day.
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